SARVAH - “SGGSIET Alumni Run Venture Accelerator Hub” is inspired by the word “सर्व:” meaning all, everything, inclusive. The Incubator will assist students, as well as other startup aspirants in ALL ways; EVERYTHING from mentoring, to providing equipment, technology support and industry connect, and test environment etc. for building prototypes, product-market fit analysis, help in arranging for early adopters and INCLUSIVE of assistance in making pitches to angel investors and obtaining seed funding.
A section-8 not-for-profit company "SARVAH Incubation Foundation" promoted by alumni has been established at SGGSIE&T, Nanded. The non-profit company was inaugurated on 8-Aug-23 at the auspicious hands of Shri. Sunil Raithatha, Chairman, Board of Governors, SGGSIE&T, Nanded. Entrepreneur, alumnus, and Director of SARVAH Mr. Vikas Rathod (Director, Zeal Mfg, Pune - pioneers in the manufacturing of electro-technical calibration standards in India) was present on the occasion and the other Director of SARVAH Mr. Abhay Deshpande (founder of Recycle, a serial entrepreneur and alumnus) joined online.