About Sarvah

About Sarvah

SARVAH - “SGGSIET Alumni Run Venture Accelerator Hub” is inspired by the word “सर्व:” meaning all, everything, inclusive. The Incubator will assist students, as well as other startup aspirants in ALL ways; EVERYTHING from mentoring, to providing equipment, technology support and industry connect, and test environment etc. for building prototypes, product-market fit analysis, help in arranging for early adopters and INCLUSIVE of assistance in making pitches to angel investors and obtaining seed funding.

How we can Help You?

The primary focus of SARVAH is to help startups born out of innovative ideas to grow and succeed by providing various resources and support systems.

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Vision Statement

“To become a fertile breeding ground where ideas germinate and bloom into innovative products and services, in a carefully designed nurturing environment that assists in every step of each phase of the blooming process, fully and staunchly supported by an Enabling Ecosystem for Engineers and in general, any aspiring brilliant mind with a drive, to become successful Entrepreneurs committed to creating employment opportunities and wealth generation for all involved.”
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Our Mission

“We dedicate ourselves to, creating an inclusive environment that kindles a culture of entrepreneurship, a setup replete with resources from knowledge banks, to laboratories with access to high end equipment, mentors and industry connects, and bridging technocrats with alien world of finance and business management; all of it, and do everything that provides a positive space for ideas to take root and thereby create successful Entrepreneurs.”
Vision mission section image.

Our Story

A section-8 not-for-profit company "SARVAH Incubation Foundation" promoted by alumni has been established at SGGSIE&T, Nanded. The non-profit company was inaugurated on 8-Aug-23 at the auspicious hands of Shri. Sunil Raithatha, Chairman, Board of Governors, SGGSIE&T, Nanded. Entrepreneur, alumnus, and Director of SARVAH Mr. Vikas Rathod (Director, Zeal Mfg, Pune - pioneers in the manufacturing of electro-technical calibration standards in India) was present on the occasion and the other Director of SARVAH Mr. Abhay Deshpande (founder of Recycle, a serial entrepreneur and alumnus) joined online.

Meet Our Directors & Mentors

Image of Abhay Deshpande.

Abhay Deshpande

Board of Director

Image of Vikas Rathod.

Vikas Rathod

Board of Director

Image of Manesh Kokare.

Manesh Kokare

Board of Director

Image of Prof. Yashwant Y. Joshi.

Prof. Yashwant Y. Joshi


Image of Shri Ravindra Shanbhag.

Shri Ravindra Shanbhag

Board of Director

Image of Dr. Jaishri  Waghmare.

Dr. Jaishri Waghmare

Dean (Innovation, Incubation and Linkages)

About SGGS

  • Established in 1981, Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology (SGGSIE&T), Nanded, is one of the leading institutions in technical education, research and technology transfer.
  • It's been identified as an Institute which can be raised to the level of Centre of Excellence.
  • The institute has excellent track record of publications with recent statistics as 1200+ peer reviewed publications, 8000+ research citations, 25 patents filed and two awarded.
  • Egged on by its Alumni, the Institute built a desire to take a giant leap into the next higher orbit of grooming and churning out entrepreneurs from its campus.